Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Social accountability - review of existing literature and learning

Social accountability is an essential element to improving health outcomes and facilitating health sector reform. The following links provide two important summaries of some literature on the topic. 
CORE Group

Source: http://www.coregroup.org/storage/documents/
 This review discusses three social accountability models used in various sectors at community, district, and national levels, to increase accountability and improve health outcomes. The approaches reviewed, analyzed, and described are: (1) Citizen Voice and Action, implemented by World Vision; (2) Partnership Defined Quality, implemented by Save the Children; (3) and the Community Score Card, implemented by CARE.

Voice and Accountability in the Health Sector
Health & Education Advice & Resource Team (HEART)

This resource by HEART is a nice and concise review of key peer publications of voice and accountability in the health sector, assessing specific initiatives in the health sector, using Bangladesh as a country example, and providing available models for increasing social accountability.

1 comment:

  1. Health, good or bad, is too often something that happens TO people. This article offers an alternative way to view health, as either static or earned. In the former case, medical interventions play a key role for better or worse; in the latter, it's all your doing. The two are not opposed or an either/or choice but the problem with American health status is that most people view health from a static perspective only. The article urges a change in that outlook. how to lube treadmill
