Thursday, October 25, 2018

Social Accountability -- 2 short videos on a community scorecard for health services in Malawi

First a video featuring the excellent Helen Mwale (then with Save, and now with MSH) produced on the fly last year by the SC Malawi team, about the Community Scorecard approach -- Save the Children was one of the implementers of the USAID/SSDI project - in this case using the scorecard tool developed originally by CARE, and used globally by dozens of organizations.
[Of note: we had an interesting session at HSR2018 with Gail Snetro, Paula Valentine, and Allison Foster in Liverpool contrasting the scorecard and the Partnership Defined Quality approach. Both have critical elements, and my personal bet is that the methods might continue to converge. I also suspect that their differences actually provide a way to be more responsive to context, by allowing emphasis on different parts of a rich process. I'm also eager to hear about a full day session on social accountability, also at HSR2018, organized by Renee Loewenson.]
Enjoy this quick orientation video from Save the Children (2017):

And here's another (2013) CARE Malawi video, as part of the 'power to the people' series:

And here's a link to a series of presentations by speakers in a special session on Social Accountability held in 2017 at Save the Children's with the DC Health Systems Board. View videos.